How is Your Self Confidence? – 7 Tips to Boost it!

Woman with look of Self Confidence

Anyone can learn self confidence, it comes from deciding to like yourself, no matter what!  It also helps being comfortable with uncertainty. 


  1. Stand up straight and strong! Body and mind are one: how you feel affects how you hold yourself, how you hold yourself affects how you feel. And how you feel, affects your self confidence!
  2. Listen to you! Focus on what you think is best for you, not on what others think.
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is different and you are learning and growing all the time, so do a ‘self to self’ comparison instead. Such as how much you’ve improved on something.
  4. Accept your weaknesses. We all have them! Perfection is impossible and not as lovable.
  5. Boost your strengths. Find ways to use and grow your strengths, it is a good opportunity to grow and get some successes. Self confidence radiates from playing to your strengths!
  6. Spend more time with people who make you feel good, rather than those who don’t.
  7. Be aware of that negative self talk and tell that critical voice in your head that you are no longer taking it seriously so it may as well retire! self esteem


So what are you going to do to boost your self confidence?  help to improve self confidence